Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ko hai ko e?

Kohoku hingoa ko Kalolaine. 'Oku ou fakahingoa kihe'eku kui, pe 'oku ou manatu'i he taimi kotoa pe he. 'Oku 'ikai koe hingoa pe ka. 'Oku toe mahulu ange 'a e me'a 'oku ma inasi fakataha ai koe ongoi 'a e fe'ofaaki. 'Oku ma tatau he ngaue mo fakalongolongo 'o 'ikai koe longoa'a tae fai ha ngaue, pea 'oku ou 'ilo 'oku totonu keu koha faiako 'o faiako he 'psychology,' Ke lava ai ha'aku tokoni kihe kakai kehe. He 'oku lahi 'a e fanau ako oke 'ikai kenau mau 'a e tokoni 'oku totonu kenau ma'u. Pea 'oku ou loto ke tokoni'i kinau tolu ke, nau hao mei he ngaahi faingata'a. He 'oku 'i 'ai 'enau totonu kenau hao mei he ngaahi faingata'a.
Kapau 'oku ke loto ke, iloi au kuopau keke 'ilo 'eku taumu'a moe ngaue. 'Oku ou loto ke fai ka 'ihe taimi'ni 'oku ou lolotonga femou'eki a he 'ave hoku tuonga'ane kihe ako mo alu 'o ngaue, a ia 'oku lahi 'a e me'a ke fai 'ihe. Taimi ni ko alu 'o ngaue ako tokoni kihoku. Tuonga'ane moe tokoni kihe fanau ako.
Kapau 'oku ou loto kea nofo 'oku ou kei ongoi fiemalie pe. He 'oku ou ko 'ilo pau. 'Oku ou toe he hala 'oku tonu ha kakai e ni'ihi. 'Oku nae fie faiako ke vahevahe 'a e lesoni 'oku nau 'ofa ai ko au 'oku ou 'ilo e au na tonu keu faiako 'anenai ku na'e 'ilo ha ki ako'i.
A tali ha fehu'i 'ko hai ko e?,' 'oku ou fakakaukau koha fo'i lea pe e taha koe Fefine Ako au. . Taumua ke tokoni'i 'a e kakai kehe 'i ha founga teu ala. 'O hange ha tauhi pe ha taha 'e lava faka'ali'ali ngaahi kihe tamasi'i ako ha hala ki tu'a.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Perfect Timing!

In preparation for General Conference next week end. My ward chose this Sunday to be fast Sunday. Whether or not you plan to share your testimony, I think we have this subconscious need to discover our testimonies inside ourselves.

While in my own meditative state, I have realized I am gradually arriving at a point in my life that I can honestly say I AM happy! More often than not, I find myself looking for reasons to prove this statement wrong. In the past I knew I deserve happiness, but It seemed too easy. For too long have I allowed myself to associate a negative stigma with that which is easy. Not this time!

I wouldn't say that I haven't had struggles, but compared to countless others, I do have it easy.

More recently than ever have I been made aware of our Heavenly Father's perfect timing. I know that it is because of him that I have never had to struggle to long. Great opportunities seem to surface quite soon after I am faced with opposition.

Around the end of August last year I was having a hard time with just about everything. It wasn't caused by anything in particular, but I was definitely in a 'funk.' I had no clue what was wrong, and therefore had no plan of escape. In early September, I got a call from a member of a special branch presidency. He offered the calling of serving as an activity coordinator in a branch, working with incarcerated youth. This could not have come at a better time. These girls I work with mean the world to me. More than I am sure they will ever realize. We get new girls after some graduate out of the program, and still I wonder AND worry about those who have gone on. It isn't very often that the Artec Branch is looking for people to serve in there branch because once you're in you don't want to be released.

In February, I lost my job that I had been at for 1 1/2 years. I went crazy thinking about what I was supposed to do. I know how hard it is for people to find a job. And that is what I expected to be my fait too. I lost my job on a Wednesday. By Friday I had an interview set up and by the following Thursday I had the job. Although losing my job was horrible at the time. It is what had to happen to get me where I needed to be. I am now in a job I LOVE. We fail to recognize how much wisdom, love, and fun that is stuffed inside a person because we push them to the side because of their old age. I love my coworkers. Everyday I am reminded how it should be when someone is in a career for the right reasons.

I know it has nothing to do at all with me. I know it is because this is what God had in store for me. And BOY am I grateful for his ability to focus his attention towards the big picture.

Entering the Technological World!

Ah my first personal blog!

I have recently come to the realization that I worry...a lot...about everything. I guess the right word isn't really worry, but I think too much about too many things and I just need to LET IT OUT!!! These aren't necessarily thoughts that need to be discussed, but It would sure free up some mind space to focus more on the task at hand.

This is my attempt.

I realize I'm coming to bat a little late in the game, but if for no other reason; I simply cannot write in my journal as fast as I can type.

Cheers to the peeking through the door to experience a new world of expression!